Brilliant team and the latest technology
Over time, my front teeth had worn out so much they needed to be extended by 2.5 mm to achieve a normal bite. Unfortunately, my London dentist of thirty years had to retire due to ill health.
Following a friend's recommendation, I went to A1 Dental Studio in Belgrade, to Dr. Šćepanović, and I never regretted it.
Not only the latest in dental technology, but also his brilliant team on the top of their game. Thanks to this combination of technology and people, in a very short time my teeth were taken care of.
The crowns were modelled following the natural shapes of my teeth, so I never needed to adjust or adapt. My teeth - the way they were forty years ago. Thanks!
Dušan Mihajlović
Exceptional patient care
Thanks to my friend's recommendation, I visited A1 Dental Studio. Ever since my first appointment and taking a look at their uniforms and interior design of a modern and well equipped dental office, it was clear to me that people who work here are meticulous. I felt very welcome and comfortable among professional and kind staff who took me through the whole procedure with a lot of patience.
Because of complexity of intervention which included implant and crown placement, I am really glad and happy that everything went smoothly, thanks to the whole team who showed me incredible patient care.
Every part of the procedure was explained to me carefully, from simple things such as pain free tooth preparation, intraoral scanning and impression taking to design and picking the best tooth color. They were always available for my questions and consultations with their best intentions to make my every wish possible, taking care of my needs at the same time. I dearly
recommend this team to everyone, your only job is to come on time and enjoy your new smile!
Miloš Tomić
Kao na filmu
Meni je drug pričao da je radio krune od cirkonije digitalnom metodom, ali ja nisam verovao da je tolika razlika. Ne mogu da verujem da krune mogu da budu ovako prirodne i precizne. Osoblje je jako profesionalno.
Ivan Petrović
Očarana sam
Procedura je neuporedivo kraća i komfornija u odnosu na moja dosadašnja iskustva.
Više se ne plašim bola.
Irena Trajković
Za svaku preporuku
Oduševila me je preciznost rada. Skener koji koriste umesto otiska je stvarno čudo tehnike. Dobila sam zube baš kakve sam želela i odmah sam se navikla kao da su oduvek tu. Predivna ordinacija, ljubazno osoblje.
Jasmina Ilić
Osmeh kakav sam želeo
Dopalo mi se što sam imao šansu da vidim svoje zube pre nego sto su bili završeni i što sam mogao da učestvujem u tome i ostvarim svoje želje. Baš su onakvi kakve sam ih zamišljao i jako glatki!
Dejan Zdravkov
Skerlićeva 30
11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381-11-2452-192
Mob: +381-65-2452-192